- September 23, 2020February 1, 2024
We are looking for a few good Republicans to step forward and serve as Precinct Captains and Nye County Republican Central Committee members to help build and maintain a strong grassroots Republican Party organization.
Being a precinct captain can be very interesting and rewarding. In essence you represent the party in your precinct and help people to make informed decisions on issues and candidates.
The general idea is as follows:
1. Get better acquainted with your neighbors and the residents of your precinct
2. Identify who is Republican. Democrat or unaffiliated.
3. Help to answer some basic questions regarding registration and voting.
4. Recruit volunteers for the Republican candidates and events.
5. Inform people about or introduce Republican candidates.
For more information contact:
Leo Blundo
NCRCC Chairman
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 775-727-2500